Neural Reset Therapy®
Effortless pain relief
Upcoming Workshops
20th and 21st of June 2025
NRT Upper Body
10th and 11th of June 2025
NRT Upper Body – Maarssen – Netherlands
4th and 5th of October 2025
Netherlands – NRT – Lower Body

About NRT
Neural Reset Therapy® or NRT resets pain in muscles, tendons, periosteum and scars. It’s done without any pain and unusually fast. Muscles are controlled by the nervous system. Proper application of NRT resets the nervous system to release a muscle from excessive tension. With the reset, the knots, pain, and tightness are gone. Joint mobility and posture are improved.
- With the remarkably soft resets, knots, stiff muscles and pain disappears
- The reset happens within 5 to 30 seconds!
- Joint mobility, posture and strength improves
- You will notice the difference immediately
- Note that NRT is not an energetic method, but is it based on sound physiological and neurological principles.
- We do not use needles, massage, or oil and you can even wear with thin clothing.
After completing an NRT treatment (some practitioners use other therapies and can produce other results) you may feel a little tired but relaxed. Your muscles could feel a bit sore during the next couple of days, but that is a good sign, the body is recovering.
Demo Hamstring Fix in seconds with NRT
by Lawrence Woods, founder of NRT
NRT Workshops

Upper Body
In the Upper Body we focus on all muscles starting from T12 (12th rib) to the Temporalis muscle.

Lower Body
In the Lower Body we focus on all muscles starting from T12 (12th rib) to the calf and ankle muscles.

Either for 1 or 2 people. Please check the different rates. Intensive 2 day training. In Dutch or English. Choose Upper or Lower Body. Lunch and reflex hammer is included

About Yvette
Yvette Groenewegen was born in Eindhoven – Netherlands – and has her practice in Groenekan (Province of Utrecht). During her youth she played a lot of tennis and did gymnastics at a national level. Due to injuries, she came into contact with various massages and treatment methods early on.

NRT treatments
Suffering from pain? Chronic pain? Tried everything? Fill out the contact form and explain your physical complaints. We aim to contact you within two working days.
NRT treatment
60 min or longer
NRT Full Body Reset
Full Body Reset of 2 hours or 2 hours treating specific complaints
"I would really like to recommend the training, you get all the attention in class, clear story, quick to use, no moment of boredom, but don't forget to train/practice. Did a catch-up training last weekend due to with 3 customers tried and immediately amazing result so that they could continue immediately I have already done a lot but with NRT the most and fastest results No abrakadabra, the customer feels or tests something, I do the reset and the customer can experience it for himself and feel the result … really amazing.”
- Annamarie van straten
"Definitely worth taking a look.
If you work a lot with muscles, it is definitely recommended, and a fantastic extension, and you are taught by a very skilled and incredibly beautiful person Yvette, she is bursting with enthusiasm."
- Koen P
"Took the NRT training last week. What a fantastic approach with amazing results. You can solve chronic complaints in 1 short treatment. The training is tightly and professionally organized. 2 days of intensive work and with sufficient practical examples and exercises. I was able to relieve the 1st people of their chronic pain complaints the next day."
- Niels Spelbos
"I didn't quite know what to expect. The training was easy to follow, and also very cool to do it myself now, the trainer Yvette is a super sweet, knowledgeable lady. She is always ready to help with questions. In short highly recommended to do the course if you want to help people get rid of their pain quickly!"
- Jacqueline Van Der Eerden
"Had a 1.5 hour NRT treatment with Yvette for the first time today. A very special experience. Totally painless, but so effective! Where my muscles felt hard and tight, they were like rubber bands after the treatment. Yvette is also patient, sweet and calm so you can relax well."
- Kimberly Olieberg
"Had a 1.5 hour NRT treatment with Yvette for the first time today. A very special experience. Totally painless, but so effective! Where my muscles felt hard and tight, they were like rubber bands after the treatment. Yvette is also patient, sweet and calm so you can relax well."
- Kimberly Olieberg