Lower Body
NRT Training

NRT Lower Body
Esoterra in Amsterdam – Wingerdweg 32, 1031 CA Amsterdam, Netherlands – PLEASE NOTE, LOWER BODY SIGN UP NOT POSSIBLE, REGISTRATION OPENS AROUND JULY
You can however indicate that you would like to be put on the waiting list for the Lower Body.
8:30 am until 6.30 pm
In the Lower Body we focus on all muscles starting from T12 (12th rib) and down.
- In English unless only Dutch participants join up
- Two days
- 3 hours of theory
- 14 hours preparation
- Free coffee/tea and some light snacks provided
- Lunch not included! Fridge is present
Suitable for
- All body-oriented therapies
- Naturopathic healing methods
- Energetic healing methods
Level of education
- College
- Bachelor
Therapeutic education
- Palpation skills
- Muscle knowledge
- Able to start solving or improving many different muscular problems
- Preferably general muscular anatomy knowledge or willing to study the muscles supplied to you before you join the training. Knowledge of where the muscle is and what the action of that muscle produces would be very beneficial! If you have no experience please contact the trainer Yvette Groenewegen. Everyone is welcome but a certain level of anatomy study commitment is preferred.Â
- Thin sports wear
- Socks
- Well rested as the days are intensive. You yourself will be constantly reset the whole day so you will be (happy 😉 but also rather tired after the day plus we finish around 18.30 on the first day.Â
Registration not yet possible, we will notify you here when registration is open.
You can however request to be put on the waiting list as classes will fill up soon.
Day 1
- History about how NRT was developed and the advantages of this new therapy compared to many existing therapies.
- Reciprocal Inhibition and the Law of Symmetry
- Mechanoreceptors
- Contraindications
- Palpate skills
- How to apply NRT
- Rules for Optimal Results
- Explanation Zones in the body according to the NRT principle
All hands on
All muscles with their corresponding resets from the calves to the hip area. A lot of practice where many students immediately experience what it is like to see their own complaints disappear or greatly improve.
Day 2
Hands on experience
- Questions
- Going over the resets of the day before
Continuing the training
- Continuing our resets from the hip area to T12
Test (no exam)
Going through all resets one after the other for half an hour: one person is the ‘practitioner’ and the other person on the table is the ‘patient’. This is the moment when the ‘practitioner’ shows what he/she has learned. Then the students switch. Students are observed by trainer and assistants.